„Everyone can practice self-leadership, but not everybody does”- Marta Lewenda

Workshop titled „Everyone can practice self-leadership, but not everybody does.” will be led by Marta Lewenda – Polish Champion in Public Speaking in 2021😍😎

She is a visionary enthusiast, she holds on to the principle that there are no problems only challenges. From 10 years she pro-actively supports global business operations and reports on business performance in international corporate companies.
Marta enjoys solving problems, improving processes and leading projects building teams, ideas and visions. She conducts workshops on leadership development and effective communication and organizes integration events.

About learning session:
Self-leadership is essential for leadership development, increasing ownership and confidence and staying relevant for the future of work.
Find out how to apply self-leadership strategies and become better version of ourselves. Get to know the habits and techniques that will help you improve your leadership skills and direct your efforts to the right track.

✨Warsztat w języku angielskim✨

Link do wydarzenia: https://www.facebook.com/events/1634876417260143/

Link do zakupu biletu:https://tobilet.pl/efekt-perla-wschodu-mistrzostwa-polski-i-konferencja-toastmasters-2024.html